Advice to keep your kids safe over the summer

As any parents or carers know exercise for children has lots of advantages.

Strong bones, healthy heart and low cholesterol to name a few. Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, children who are physically fit sleep better.

They’re also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges. Although riding a bike is great for their health, and is a great activity for the summer holidays, it does come with the risk of having accidents. These accidents are often the result of a child playing, doing tricks, riding too fast or losing control. Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group is reminding parents and carers to keep a fully equipped first aid kit at home.

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Most accidents are minor and can be treated with a first aid kit and lots of hugs. But when was the last time you checked your first aid kit?

Dr Chris Marshall for Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BCCG) said: “Self-care is often best for cuts, scrapes and grazes, so it’s a good idea to check your first aid kit to make sure it’s stocked for all eventualities. There’s nothing worse than getting out the first aid kit to discover you’ve run out of plasters or antiseptic wipes.

“Your local pharmacy can advise you on treatment for minor injuries and over the counter medicines that are safe for your child.

“To keep your child safe as possible make sure they wear appropriate head gear, and if possible, protect their knees and elbows.”

A typical first aid kit should include:

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> high factor sunscreen (SPF 50 provides the best protection) – apply before going in the sun and apply regularly.

>antiseptic – to clean cuts before they are dressed (bandaged) - most can treat other conditions including insect stings, alcohol-free antiseptic wipes are useful to clean cuts.

>tweezers – to remove splinters; if left in, they can become infected.

>plasters – a range of sizes, waterproof if possible.

>sterile dressings – larger injuries should be covered with a sterile dressing to prevent infection until treatment can be given by a health professional.

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> medical tape –to secure dressings and or to tape an injured finger to an uninjured one, creating a makeshift splint.

>bandages –can support injured limbs, such as a sprained wrist, and also for applying direct pressure to larger cuts.

>cooling gel packs or flannels – dip in cold water and use as a compress if your child has a small bump to the head.

>eyewash solution – this will help wash out grit or dirt from the eyes

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>insect bite and nettle rash cream – good for reducing skin irritation.

>allergy medicine – your local pharmacy can advise you on the best type.

>thermometer – digital thermometers are accurate, quick and easy to use.

>coughs, colds and pain relief remedies - paracetamol or ibuprofen are good for relieving discomfort but avoid ibuprofen if your child has asthma, unless advised by your GP.

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If you’re worried about your child’s injuries and unsure if they need medical help, call NHS111. This service offers advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can advise you where to go if your child has experienced a bang to the head or a bad sprain. Just dial 111 to talk to the NHS.

For more information about what to do if your child has an accident, visit

For more information contact [email protected]

01525 864406/ 01525 864430 or 07813 969786

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