Ofsted praise for Luton school described as 'happy and welcoming'

Beech Hill Primary School - Google MapsBeech Hill Primary School - Google Maps
Beech Hill Primary School - Google Maps
'Playtimes are a joyous time'

A Luton primary school is celebrating after being described as a happy and welcoming place by Ofsted inspectors.

Beech Hill Community Primary, on Dunstable Road, was judged to be 'good' after its inspection on October this year.

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The inspectors said: "Pupils feel valued and cared for. They enjoy being at school, meeting their friends and learning in lessons. Relationships between pupils, adults and families are positive. There is an inclusive environment that ensures pupils treat each other with respect and kindness. Adults have high expectations of pupils. Pupils know that they must work hard in their lessons. They are eager to share what they know and how they find things out.

"Many pupils say they ‘love to learn’ and that they enjoy school. Playtimes are joyous times. There is a sea of smiling faces as pupils share their games and play together. Pupils say that generally everyone behaves well and bullying hardly occurs. If it does, pupils are confident that adults will manage any concerns effectively. Many parents agree with their children and told us how happy they are with the school. They recognise how well leaders support pupils’ development and learning".

One parent summed it up, saying, ‘There are not enough words to say how happy I am with the school’.

The report says leaders have worked hard to tackle the weaknesses identified in the last Ofsted report, and the headteacher has built a cohesive team.

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"They have worked together to develop the curriculum" the report states. "Staff appreciate this opportunity and feel valued for their contribution to what pupils are to be taught. Curriculum leaders have thought about the important knowledge pupils need to learn. Starting from the early years, teachers give priority to developing pupils' language. Leaders have selected the key vocabulary that helps to build pupils’ knowledge".

There was a high importance on reading at the school, with the promotion of a love of reading across the school. Inspectors saw pupils captivated by stories as teachers read out aloud. Each classroom has attractive book areas to encourage pupils’ reading.

There was also advice on helping new leaders settle into their roles.

The inspectors said: "New leaders do not have the skills to understand how to monitor their areas of responsibility. They do not know if their plans are delivered well by teachers. Leaders need to provide new leaders with the training that will help them fulfil their roles effectively so that all leaders have a secure understanding of the strengths and weakness of their planned curriculum".

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The inspectors found that pupils are proud to serve as school councillors, sports ambassadors or eco warriors and learn how to express opinions and represent others. They are well prepared in how to become a citizen in modern Britain. The arrangements for safeguarding were found to be effective with leaders knowing their local community well. They ensure that pupils and staff understand the risks and challenges faced. Pupils learn about important themes such as cyber bullying, drug misuse and gang exploitation.