Could you be an inspiration to Stopsley students?

A Luton secondary school is seeking former students who can inspire the current generation to academic success and career confidence.

Stopsley High School in St Thomas’ Road is one of 400 state schools across Britain working with the education charity Future First to harness the talents and experience of alumni to motivate today’s students through ‘old school tie’ networks.

The school wants former students who left recently for further education as well as those in established careers and vocations, alumni who live nearby and those who have moved away, to act as career and education role models, mentors, work experience providers, governors, fundraisers and donors.

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Future First’s vision is that every state school or college should be supported by a thriving, engaged alumni community that helps it to do more for its students. More than 150,000 former students across Britain have already signed up to stay connected with their old school. They’re inspiring young people as career and education role models, mentors, work experience providers, governors, donors and fundraisers.

Headteacher Karen Johns said: “We are delighted to have Future First helping us link with ex-Stopsley students. As the school moves into our fantastic new building, there isn’t a better time for past pupils to reconnect and share their valuable experiences to help us equip our students for the world of work.”

“More than 39 per cent of state school students don’t know anyone in a job they’d like to do,” said Alex Shapland-Howes, Managing Director of Future First. “If they see that someone who went to the same school, grew up in the same community, has achieved a fulfilling and satisfying job, it helps them see it’s possible for them too.

“It’s really important for all students to be motivated to succeed in the working world and hearing first hand from relatable people in interesting jobs can make a huge difference.”

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Head of Careers, Russell George, is waiting to hear from former students on [email protected]. Former students can also sign up to Future First’s alumni scheme via the website and clicking the “Former Students” link.

Schools wishing to register with Future First should click the “Schools and Colleges staff” link.

For further information about Future First, visit .