Appeal after indecent exposure

Beds PoliceBeds Police
Beds Police
Police are appealing for witnesses after a man indecently exposed himself while walking down a street in Houghton Regis yesterday (Tuesday).

At approximately 6pm, the man, who was walking down Westminster Gardens, exposed himself to someone through a window.

The man is described as white, approximately 5’10”, and of large build.

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He was wearing dark coloured clothing and was carrying a can of beer.

PC Allan McCarney, investigating, said: “This is completely unacceptable behaviour and I’m appealing for witnesses to help us find the person responsible.

“Anyone who saw a man matching this description in the vicinity, or other local residents who may have experienced similar incidents, are urged to contact us.”

>Anyone with information is asked to contact PC McCarney on 101, or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, 0800 555 111.