Impressive 95% pass rate at Luton Sixth Form

Students celebrate their resultsStudents celebrate their results
Students celebrate their results
A Level results at Luton Sixth Form College have stayed strong and vocational grades have hit a record high, it has been revealed today.

The pass rate for A Level courses remained impressive at 95.1% – with the number of high grades (A*-B) achieved rising for the third successive year. The BTEC Level 3 Diploma pass rate was a record-breaking 99.6%, which is 0.1% above the previous high, recorded in 2014.

The college is particularly celebrating improvement in its core science subjects including a significant jump in the number of high grades awarded in A Level biology, chemistry and physics courses.

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Among the highest-achieving students were Lewis Witton, who achieved a full set of four A* grades and is moving on to the University of Cambridge to study medicine.

Students celebrate their resultsStudents celebrate their results
Students celebrate their results

Naa Ntodi scooped three A*s and an A grade to secure a place at the University of Oxford to study chemistry. Also Oxford-bound is Oluwakemi Agunbiade, who will read law after gaining two As and a B grade.

Meanwhile, Jason Kandaiah will take up a place on a professional dance and musical theatre course at the Urdang Academy in London, having gained an A in A Level art and design, along with starred distinctions in BTEC graphic design, musical theatre and dance.

Chris Nicholls, who is retiring as Principal at the end of this month, said: “We are extremely happy that our pass rates have remained at a high level in what is a turbulent time for A Levels due to government reforms.”

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Mr Nicholls added: “Together with our Chair of Governors, Professor Mary Malcolm, I would like to thank our staff and supporters for everything they have done to shape the futures of our students who are now moving on to the next chapter of their lives, whether at university or straight into employment.”

Students celebrate their resultsStudents celebrate their results
Students celebrate their results

Current Vice Principal and Principal Designate Altaf Hussain said: “I am genuinely delighted for our young people as they have worked so hard to turn their dreams into reality. Despite some of the most major changes to A Levels in recent history, with a move away from coursework and modular exams, our students have remained focussed, committed and resilient in realising their potential.

“This has resulted in the proportion of them achieving the highest grades in both A Levels and BTEC qualifications rising for the third year. I wish them all the best for what will inevitably be a very bright future.”