Suspended sentences after wrestlers groom girl under 13

A wrestler from Luton was part of a duo who were today given suspended sentences for online grooming of a little girl in Bedfordshire.

26-year-old Scott Dickins began messaging the girl in 2015, building a rapport with her with the intention of meeting and sexually abusing her.

Dickins, of Claverley Green, Luton, was part of the same wrestling group of which Philip Page, 28, also belonged.

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During a police investigation, officers discovered that Page, of Brooklands Road, Bletchley, had begun messaging the same girl in 2014 via Facebook.

He also groomed her online over a period of time and sent her sexually explicit messages – despite knowing that she was under 13.

Det Con James Mirza said: “The behaviour by these two men was completely unacceptable.

“They both knew that the girl they were messaging was under the age of consent but they still attempted to groom her online in a bid to meet her.”

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Today, Dickins was given an eight month sentence suspended for two years after pleading guilty to three counts of arranging to meet a child following sexual grooming, and one count of travelling with the intention of meeting a child.

Page pleaded guilty to one count of inciting a child under the age of 13 to engage in sexual activity and received a 12 month sentence suspended for two years.

Following the court case, Bedfordshire Police has issued advice to parents about keeping their children safe online.

< Have an open and honest conversation with your children about why it is important to stay safe online and what a healthy relationship is

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If your children are using social media networks, check their security settings to make sure they are set to ‘Friends only’

For further information, including where to go for advice and support, visit

To report concerns about online activity or the possible sexual abuse of children, call police on 101, or 999 if someone is at immediate risk of harm.