Still believes McGeehan is better served in the middle

Cameron McGeehanCameron McGeehan
Cameron McGeehan
Hatters boss John Still has reiterated his belief that summer signing Cameron McGeehan’s best position is a more central one.

The 20-year-old is Luton’s joint top scorer this season with eight goals to his name, but has been asked to play a wider role in recent games, eventually withdrawn in the second half against both Stevenage and Carlisle.

When asked if he felt his current role was the best one for the midfielder, Still said: “No I don’t, I see his best role as an inside one.

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“But it’s interesting that he’s scored most of his goals coming in from wide positions. Now I know that sounds silly, but that’s where he’s been scoring his goals from.

“Because we can score goals and make opportunities when we work in training from Greeny (Danny Green) getting the ball inside and him arriving in and around that back post to centre of goal area, that’s where he’s scored lots of his goals.

“So we experimented a little bit with it, it hasn’t gone for him for a couple of games, but it happens like that for people who score goals.

“They don’t get them every week, they have to go a couple without them and then you get a little rush of them.”

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On why he has been persisting with the experiment, Still added: “We’ve experienced it with Josh (McQuoid) down the middle a bit more, and Josh has been electric, so we’ve had the best of both worlds.

“Don’t get me wrong, Josh can play out there and Cam can play off, but we felt that Josh probably scored more goals since he’s come into that centre area and Cam’s goals have been scored from coming in from the wide areas.

“But long term Cam’s best position is probably getting up behind the front player.”

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