Man guilty of 21 sex offences against teenagers

A 20-year-old man from Luton has been found guilty of 21 sex offences against six teenagers.

Jake Prescott was convicted at Luton Crown Court today (Wednesday), the offences included rape, sexual assault and grooming.

The jury heard how Prescott subjected his victims to multiple sexual assaults, with his offending dating back to 2012.

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They heard how he befriended four of the victims before taking them out and buying them gifts.

Detective Constable Gareth Suffling, who investigated the case, said: “Prescott specifically set out to target vulnerable boys, taking advantage of their trust in him by inflicting vile sexual abuse on them.

“There is no doubt that Prescott groomed his victims by buying them gifts, gaining their trust and taking them on outings.

“This type of behaviour will absolutely not be tolerated and I’d like to praise the victims for the bravery they showed in coming forward, ensuring that justice is done and preventing Prescott from inflicting his abhorrent abuse on anyone else.”

Prescott has been bailed for sentencing on 25 November.