Man threatened with brick in Luton robbery

A man was threatened with a brick by robbers who targeted him in Luton.

The incident happened on Monday, April 11 on Curzon Road as the victim sat in his car after finishing a night shift.

The victim was approached by two men, one of whom threatened him with a brick and demanded money.

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After being forced out of his car, two other men approached the victim and continued to threaten him while one of the men searched the vehicle.

They took money and personal documents before walking away down Curzon Road and heading through an alleyway leading to Coyney Green.

All four suspects are described as Asian, aged between 18 and 20 years old.

One was wearing a blue hooded top and another was wearing a black hooded top. Both had their hoods up.

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PC Paul Falcon said: “Robbery is not acceptable and we are working hard to tackle these types of incidents. I’d urge anyone who may be able to help us identify the men responsible to come forward.

“Curzon Road is lined with terraced houses, and if any residents remember hearing or seeing a commotion, I would urge them to get in touch.”

Anyone with information should contact PC Falcon on 101 quoting crime reference number C/14612/16. Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or

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