Caddington and Slip End given new powers

VILLAGERS in Caddington and Slip End will be among the first to be given radical new powers to determine the future of their areas, the government announced yesterday.

The villages will test out neighbourhood planning – being introduced in the Localism Bill – which will give the community unprecedented influence in deciding how development will look in their area.

For the first time, locals can voice their own vision for their community, from deciding the locations of shops and schools to setting standards of design for new housing and protecting green spaces. Parishes are working on a plan that will deal with a range of issues including an ageing population, the need for affordable homes, a demand for youth activities and community services.

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And the community has the final say. If more than 50 per cent of people voting in a local referendum support the plan, then the local planning authority must bring it into force.

Central Bedfordshire Council will be given £20,000 to support the scheme and free advice from planning experts will be available for the local community.