There are plenty of reasons to love Luton. PIC: Tony MargiocchiThere are plenty of reasons to love Luton. PIC: Tony Margiocchi
There are plenty of reasons to love Luton. PIC: Tony Margiocchi

16 fantastic photos to show why we love Luton and you should too

Town fights back after being voted worst place in the country

Luton is fighting back after being dubbed the worst place in the country to live.

Website iLiveHere conducted the poll, with Luton topping the list of terrible places when the results were revealed.

But we don’t agree – Luton is a town bursting with fun, diversity and colour, with the last 12 months featuring some fantastic news and events.

Every week we feature stories of inspirational Luton people working hard to improve our town, or raising funds for great causes; of great events right here on our doorstep; or celebrate the successes of schools and their pupils.

But we want to do more. The greatest thing about Luton is you – and we want to share your stories. So tell us what you love about Luton, send us your pictures and share your good news stories with us here to support our We Love Luton campaign.

Photographer Tony Margiocchi said: “I have spent much of the past twelve months covering events in and around Luton and I have to say that this town is awesome! Yes, we do have a bad rep from times past. Yes, we have crime and social issues that also occur in every other village, town and city, nationwide. However, to be voted the worst place to live, is in my opinion, based on our history, and not on what is happening here today.”

He has shared these pictures from the last year that show just some of the fantastic things that Luton has to offer.

He added: “Luton has turned a corner and dumped its past, it has moved on, and it has a much brighter future for all who live and work here.

"So, who do we have to thank for this? I’ll tell you who, the Lutonians, you folks reading this! The amazing people that live and work in Luton and make this town tick, from our hardworking street cleaners, shopkeepers, factory workers, to our business leaders and investors. The entire Luton community is working and striving hard, and hard work brings results.

“We know that nothing changes overnight, progress takes time and costs money. Life is very hard for us all right now, and money for large projects is scarce, but this will change, we have been through worse, ask your grandparents! Look about you, see the changes happening right now.”

> Send us your photos of Luton at its best – we’d love to feature a gallery of your images. Email them to [email protected] or via our website.

But we don’t agree – Luton is a town bursting with fun, diversity and colour, with the last 12 months featuring some fantastic news and events.

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