Which landmark are you most excited to see on the board?Which landmark are you most excited to see on the board?
Which landmark are you most excited to see on the board?

In pictures: These are the landmarks that should feature on the Luton Monopoly board - according to you

Which landmark will be Mayfair on our board?

Luton is set to get its own custom Monopoly board thanks to the Hatters’ fairytale Premier League promotion.

The club caught the eye of the Monopoly bosses, after going from a non-league side to England’s top flight of football in less than 10 years. To celebrate this achievement and raise the profile of the town further, the Luton version of the classic board game will hit shelves in spring 2024.

Luton people were given the chance to nominate squares for the board – while Monopoly is now calling on people to put forward three charities to feature on the Community Chest spaces.

The board will have Luton landmarks – like Kenilworth Road stadium, Luton Airport and Luton Hoo.

So we asked what you wanted to see on the board – showing off the best Luton has to offer. Now that suggestion submissions have closed, scroll down to see what you suggested.

Luton people were given the chance to nominate squares for the board – while Monopoly is now calling on people to put forward three charities to feature on the Community Chest spaces.